Friday, October 30, 2009

Pse VS Mattews

Pse are very nice bows to start out with. When you just start getting into archery. Mainly because they arent that expensive Mathews bows can be very expensive. But the good thing about Mathews is that they are worth what they cost. But i wouldnt get one unless u plain on staying in archery for a while and hunting with a bow.

Now Pse are nice cuz they shoot great they are the average bow. There is a few of them that arent all that great but you usually would be making a good buy if u where getting one.Now i have always used Pse or Browning but i have liked the Pse a lot better they shoot faster compaired to the browning. But if you put it up against a Mathews the mathews will always win.

Mathews are great bows there is no getting around that but they are just so darn expensive and if something breaks on it ur going to be spending a fortune just to get that one part fixed. But if you are a big hunter and you just want more power and acuracy then i dont know any better bow then the Mathews. I have heard that the Mathews ignition is one of the best bows they have ever made and that it is the fastest bow out there on the market.

So there you have if you are just starting with a bow or your child is the way to go is the Pse but if you are really into it and you have the money get the Mathews and i would recomend over everything they have to get there new igintion it has to be true that it is the fastest bow just wait till you see it shoot.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Competitions are more of an advanced type of archery because you shoot at such far distances.Now if you are a big hunter this is probly not the thing for you because it takes a lot of pratice at a very far distance. When you hit the age of 13 you are consider a youth and you would shoot at 50 to 60 yards. If you are 16 and older it is any where from 60 to 80 yards.

The way you prepare for such a big event is by shooting your bow every day for about an hour or 2. The first thing you want to do is make sure your hands are right and you are comfortable with your bow. Second your bow has to be able to shoot that distance by putting your pin where you want to shoot.After all that all you have to keep doing is moving back 10 yards after it gets easy at like 20.The reason this isnt so big with hunters is because you need a target bow and you cant really shot a deer at 80 yards.

So if can shoot a far distance with your bow think about some archery competitions and see if you can shoot that far. Now those type of competions use bows that range from 800 dolars to 2000 with all the sights so you could be spending a lot of money so you will need some sponsors. That is all you need to do to get in state competitions.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Target Shooting/satistices

Target shooting is one of the easyer and more fun then anything esle. Mainly because it is all about you competing with yourself. It can be against other people at the higher and harder levels. Now if you just like to shoot a bow and have fun this is the way to go because all you are doing is shooting a target and keeping score to really see your progress. You would think it would get boring and to easy but really it never can because when ever you get bored then you just move farther away from the target and that makes it a lot harder.

Now shooting a bow doesnt just help with that it helps with other things. Like shooting a gun it makes it a lot easyer to shoot a gun if you have shot a bow. The biggest problem with bows is that they are so expensive to get and to maintain. Like right now i have seen arrow prices range from $20-80 for 6 arrows. That is a lot of money just to be target shooting. That doesnt even envolve how much it cost to shoot if things break on your bow.Now it sounds like a lot but if you pay for a hard case not a soft it will save your bow for a lot longer.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

3D archery

Now shooting a 3d target can be very difficult. Mainly because the distances change and u dont know how far they are a way from you. But it is very helpful for hunting because in hunting you dont know how far away the deer is going to be or whatever you are hunting. Now there is two different types of ways to shoot 3d targets. There is a elavated area where you are about 15 feet off the ground and then there is the ground level type.

Now most people know that the elavated area is foor the simulation of a tree stand. This is a little more tricky to get the hang of then ground level. The main reason for that is because you have to take into consideration of how high you are because it is going to make 20 yards really 25 and that could be the difference of killing the animal or missing. Now if you plan on hunting in a tree stand it is a good idea to pratice from how high you are going to be.

Now if you plan on sitting in a blind or just on the ground it is a good idea to pratice with the 3d targets from the ground level. Now if you are a first year hunter i would recomend hunting from the ground level. Just because the difficulty from shooting out of a stand is so high. Now if you have been shooting for 10 years but this is your first year hunting i would recomend hunting out of the stand because you already have the experence and the skill to hunt out of a stand. Or you could just be shooting 3d for the fun which then its just how comfortable you are in shooting i would recomend starting on the ground for your first round. So all in all whether you are shooting 3d for the fun or getting ready for the next hunting season its great way to make archery more fun and hard and to give those really good shooters something to progress on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Archery is a great hobby to get into but it can be very expensive. It helps to keep your eye sight in check because if your eyes are bad it would be very hard to focus on the target. Now just the sport its self is fun and keeps you competive with your self. Now if you are younger it is easyer to learn how to shoot. Now if you where an adult and all you where doing it for was for the hunting it is difficult to get to the level that you need to be to be able to hunt and to kill a Deer. The bigger atractions with the bow are the leagues and things like that.

For adults they think it is easy to kill an animal like a deer with a bow because they are so powerful and they make the deer bleed a lot. But it is very difficult to get comfortable with a bow and to shoot good cuz there is multiple steps. You could miss a deer with a bow just by your feet being pointed the wrong way. Also unlike a gun the bow has multible sights so you just cant use the same sight for 15 yards and for 40 you would have to make ajustments like by aiming higher with the bow. Also if you are in a tree stand then it adds a even harder challenge because you have to take into consideration of how high up in the tree you are. So if your an adult that has shoot a gun for a long time it will be extreamly hard to get used to the bow and how it works. So you are better off getting a bow and pratice with it for a good year before go out hunting or anything like that. That is one of the main causes of deer getting wonded is by unexperinced hunters.

Now back to the kids and the youth. If you start around the age 10 its great because you'll have a good amount of pratice before you could even go hunting so you would have all the pratice that you would need. Now if you are just starting I would recomend that you do some type of a leagues because that gets you better every year cuz your not just competting with other people and kids you know your competting with yourself and making yourself better. Which can be very hard in other sports. Most of the people that are the best and get all these great deer are the people that have shot all there life and know what they are doing.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pse Bruin

With the Psc Bruin i have had a lot of success with it. I have shot with it for about two years now and it has to be the fastest bow and accurate bow i have ever used. I have it set at 61 pound draw which is pretty high but it just adds on to the bows power and distance that i can shoot with it. At 20 yards the bow shoots about a 2 and a half inch group and at 30 it is about a 4 inch spread. This bow can shoot much farther then 30 yards but i am not ready to shoot much farther then 30 right now. This bow i would recemend for hunting it can be used as a target bow but its not the best for it. But for hunting it has very high ratings and a lot of people that i know have had a lot of success hunting with it.

With the right arrows depending on the poundage of the bow and broadheads they said it was like shooting a Deer with a gun the blood trail that it leaves is great and the Deer drops so fast so u dont have to track it that far anyway. I know that its not just the broadheads or the arrows because i have used the same ones on other bows and it just doesnt kill the animal as fast or as well. You are more likly going to wound the animal if u arent using the Bruin. If you can hit the yellow on a target which would be the center then you can kill a Deer with this bow.

Now for target shooting i have also used this bow and i am very good with it and consistant at 20 yards when i have used it. Now like i said earlyer this bow is made more for hunting but you can use it for archery competitions. But only if you where going to do like every once in a while leagues at your archery shop then it would be a good bow for that cuz its not to expensive. Now if you where going to competitions all the time you would want a bow that is heavyer and has different sights and everything. It is a good start up bow for people who are just starting and it is good for experienced archers too. So if you are looking at getting a new bow this is one of the many very good choices that you should make.