Thursday, September 3, 2009

Target Shooting/satistices

Target shooting is one of the easyer and more fun then anything esle. Mainly because it is all about you competing with yourself. It can be against other people at the higher and harder levels. Now if you just like to shoot a bow and have fun this is the way to go because all you are doing is shooting a target and keeping score to really see your progress. You would think it would get boring and to easy but really it never can because when ever you get bored then you just move farther away from the target and that makes it a lot harder.

Now shooting a bow doesnt just help with that it helps with other things. Like shooting a gun it makes it a lot easyer to shoot a gun if you have shot a bow. The biggest problem with bows is that they are so expensive to get and to maintain. Like right now i have seen arrow prices range from $20-80 for 6 arrows. That is a lot of money just to be target shooting. That doesnt even envolve how much it cost to shoot if things break on your bow.Now it sounds like a lot but if you pay for a hard case not a soft it will save your bow for a lot longer.

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