Sunday, September 27, 2009


Competitions are more of an advanced type of archery because you shoot at such far distances.Now if you are a big hunter this is probly not the thing for you because it takes a lot of pratice at a very far distance. When you hit the age of 13 you are consider a youth and you would shoot at 50 to 60 yards. If you are 16 and older it is any where from 60 to 80 yards.

The way you prepare for such a big event is by shooting your bow every day for about an hour or 2. The first thing you want to do is make sure your hands are right and you are comfortable with your bow. Second your bow has to be able to shoot that distance by putting your pin where you want to shoot.After all that all you have to keep doing is moving back 10 yards after it gets easy at like 20.The reason this isnt so big with hunters is because you need a target bow and you cant really shot a deer at 80 yards.

So if can shoot a far distance with your bow think about some archery competitions and see if you can shoot that far. Now those type of competions use bows that range from 800 dolars to 2000 with all the sights so you could be spending a lot of money so you will need some sponsors. That is all you need to do to get in state competitions.

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